The town is named after LaFayette, a national hero of both France and the United States. The town is within the former Central New York Military Tract, but was partly in an area reserved for members of the Onondaga tribe. The first settler arrived around 1797. Land was purchased from the Onondagas in 1817 and resold to settlers. The Town of LaFayette was formed in 1825 from parts of the Towns of Pompey and Onondaga after the Marquis de Lafayette famously toured the United States in 1824/1825 Every year, the town holds an Apple Festival over the Saturday and Sunday before Columbus day. This is in part due to the fact that most of the agricultural land west of the town has historically held apple orchards.
- Street: Route 20
- City: LaFayette
- State: NY
- Zipcode: 13084
- Website:
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